AirWave and the RIVERKEEPER’s ongoing work to defend our rivers would be impossible without generous financial and in-kind partnerships with local organizations.


Depending on the amount, sponsorships include the following benefits:

  • Cause-related PR / Marketing
  • Public RIVERKEEPER recognition
  • On-site eventgoer interaction
  • On-site signage / branding
  • AirWave hospitality perks
  • Addition of name and logo to sponsorship media
    • Media includes Posters, Fliers, Stage Banner, Ads, RIVERKEEPER Social Media & E-Mail Blasts, Press Release
  • Sharing of sponsorship media to over 100,000 followers on RIVERKEEPER & volunteer social media
  • Tax-deductible 501c3 receipt for donation to non-profit organization.
  • The knowledge that you did something to help save our freshwater.

And more! All sponsorships are negotiable to maximize the benefits for your personal needs.

Please Contact Us and we’ll figure out a plan that works best for you.