Day 7 – The Temps, They Are A’ Changin’

Both Loic and I slept in at our campsite, waiting for a break in the rain and heavy winds to take down the tents.

We had only 8km to hike down a gravel road today, so it was quite a simple task compared to the 50km slog through the Longwood forest which consumed the last couple days.

The weather, of course, did not cooperate. We had rain and wind slapping us repeatedly soon after picking up hiking.

The rain returns

But just as well–we make it to the Merryvale Hut, where you can pay $6 USD for a roof over your head and a porch to watch the weather roll through. This was a welcome respite, and soon after settling in, we were entertained by a massive cold front smashing past us, dropping the temperatures by 30° and bringing an onslaught of hail, rain, and driving wind, the worst I’ve seen yet on this journey.

Two hikers happy to find asylum from the tyrannical storm which followed us

Of course, an hour later, the sun came back out and all was well in our merry valley home.

A menagerie of wet hiker wear

Later on, we met the owners, who helped us with some beers and supplies they had up for sale. I got a dozen of their fresh eggs for the long trip tomorrow.

If the weather was right, Loic and I planned to hitch hike the 120km between here and Te Anau, a major Te Araroa trail stop with all the fixings. From there, I plan to do the Kepler Great Walk with some other TA NOBOs and then pick the trail up just down the road, headed towards the Mavora lakes, some alternate routes, and the real mountains.

All in all, today was a wonderful day of relaxation, and we were exceedingly glad to have a roof over our head as wave after wave of hot and cold, rain and shine, rolled past the home. I fell asleep, at last, to the sound of raindrops a’ fallin’ on the roof.


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