Day 35 – Fin

I packed up first thing and made the descent to the village of Sospel, where I hit the supermarket for one final day of supplies.

The final pass of the GR5/52 lies between those two mountains


After hanging around town for a bit, I started up the final ascent, about a 1,000m climb through mediterranean forestry to a pass.

Then, a 200m descent and re-ascent to the final peak between me and the mediterranean sea.

What an ending.

The views from this ridge at sunset were so extraordinary that I ended up cowboy camping up there with just pad and sleeping bag.

I throw down my blanket there on that perfectly tent sized flat on the ridge

The full blood moon rose just after the sunset, adding to the beautiful mystique of this trail ending.

In the morning, a mere 5km hike downhill would lead me to the beaches in Menton, where the GR52 ends.

Later the next day, I hopped a train to Nice just half an hour away, where a friend arranged to pick me up and put me up at their house for a couple nights.

I had a terrific time exploring the city with a true local, who really went above and beyond to make sure I tried all the French experiences and delicacies before leaving the next day to head back to London. Not to mention it was my birthday! What a way to end a trail! Just absolute perfection!

I love it! Hope you enjoyed the story and pictures as well. Til next time, see you down the trail!

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