Day 34 – Hard Part’s Over

Today was the last day of true mountains I would experience on this trail, and I aim to enjoy every moment of it. The dregs of the peaks. But possibly, one of the greatest days of the last 3 months.

I woke and hiked out around Lac Basto, quickly coming to a col and then descending to the Lac de Marvels, permitting entry to the valley of Marvels.

Lac Basto

Towards the vallee des merveilles

Part of the valley’s name comes from the ancient rock carvings of ship building instructions and et cetera. Part of the name comes from the immense, moon like beauty of the landscape here. I passed the refuge of marvels and quickly made my way past several pristine lacs to the col de Diable.

I would have climbed the peak of Diable, but a fog rolled in just as I arrived at the col, so I decided instead to savor the glorious descent, falling below 2,000m for the last time.

Looking ahead from the pas de Diable

The trail was carved into lush green mountain sides, rising and falling through forests and past ancient ruins of hill top chateaus.

Very nice clouds

Creepy old dungeon fort

Finally, the fog caught up with me, and I had low visibility until hiking through a forest and along another ridgeline.

Ridge walk awesomeness

At the end of the ridge where the trail begins the last 1500m descent to Sospel, I had to stop and admire the contrast of the sunset with the impending rain ceiling overhead, the intense beauty of the mountains behind me, with the gorgeous hues of the mediterranean sea and the Cote d’Azur, which finally showed itself for the first time on this GR5 journey. The goal which I had been walking towards for ages was finally in sight.

I went a bit further down the trail and camped on another ridge just above treeline, where a romantic sunset unfurled before my eyes. What a day! Im officially out of food, so it will be a fast hike in the morning down to the village, to hit the supermarkets. Then, one more day to the sea, and the end of the GR5 adventure! Ow owww!

Good night!

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