Day 32 – Rags to Riches

There wasn’t much to today.

It looked like Mt. Doom was outside of my tent this morning.

That’s the pass I have to make it over… if I could only talk myself into packing up my warm sleeping bag

I walked down in the valley below, and then I climbed up and over a pass, leading me to the Arcalis ski resort.

The pass

A nice valley, but it could do without the road leading into it

Looking back, you can see the pass on the left and the lac I camped at in the middle

Long way down

The Arcalis ski area, it had a nice restaurant I could’ve eaten at if I wasn’t in anti-social mountain man mode. But mostly I wanted to save them the smell of my boots 😅

Then I walked down some nice trails and dirt roads to the small village of El Serrat, where I decided to blow a hundred euros on a room at a fancy spa-hotel! I had to treat myself at least once on this trip, with how much I’ve been saving by eating and sleeping wild. And I’ve made it through the hardest days of the HRP! That is something worth celebrating.

Room with a view
Doing my internet things in the salon
View for dinner, they have huge windows here!

For dinner I had a rabbit’s leg (a la Catalana) with potato and legumes, along with a salad with some duck in it, a few beers, and my favorite dessert, Tiramisu!!! All included in my “pension” of the stay (pension means dinner and breakfast is included with the stay).

In the morning, an all you can eat breakfast buffet, unlimited OJ, coffee, bacon, sausage, eggs (sunny side up), croissants, and au chocolats.

Worth every penny.

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