It was about 9:30 as I set out from camp today. I had an easy hike to a couple small lakes over a small ridge first thing. Then, a slightly longer climb up to the Col de Caldes and down to the refugi Collomers.
I decided today, while looking at the map, to skip the descent down to Salardu, a big resupply spot for the next week of trail. 1,200 meters elevation didn’t sound very appealing at the time. I wanted to stay up high on the official route, and my pack certainly feels heavy enough as it is. Food shouldn’t be an issue to the next stop, especially if some of the small towns and hamlets have a restaurant to have lunch or dinner at.
So back up it was! The next col was at about 2,600m, and had another gorgeous valley on the other side.
Then a long walk down the valley and then a climb up to a ski area at one of the passes along the Crest of the Pyrenees.
Then, a short walk down the road to another trail that ascended about 300m to a pass overlooking the Estany Pudo. There I met a shepherd whose job it was to tend to the flock and hang out with 4 well trained an extra cute sheepdogs. Of course the dogs almost jumped me..
I wondered why someone who seemingly spoke 3 languages fluently would choose such a job, but I’m sure he had reasons and I can’t judge–if I could work in the Pyrenees for a living I would jump at the chance!
I walked a nice ridge trail around the lake below and came to another col, which led to another set of lakes. After hiking down, it was about 6pm and I saw rain rolling in, so chose to camp next to one of the pretty lakes.
There was a bit of a sunshine rainshower after I made dinner and walked to get a look at the route ahead, past that big lake.
Tomorrow should be fun.
Good night!