Day 27 – Ridges, Lakes, Clouds, Alpes

Today’s trail continued through the Queyras Regional Park all day, and ended at the park’s south-west border, 27km later, on the beautiful, aquamarine Lac Saint Anne.

There was some really good ridge walking throughout the day, and the small village of Chateau-Queyras I passed early in the morning was very scenic and charming.

From the village, there was a 1,000m climb up to a ridge, and then over to the Col de Fromage (sil vous ple, pass the cheese?). From the col, a 600m descent to the town of Ceillac, where I had hoped to stop into the market. However, it wouldn’t open for another 2 hours, and I had enough food for another 3 days or so, so I carried on.

I walked a road up a scenic valley, eventually turning onto a trail and climbing another 700m, having dinner at the Lac de Miroir, and finally pitching the tent above the gorgeous Lac Saint Anne.

Miroir lake lives up to its name

All in all, a solid day of hiking! Very scenic! There are at least ten times a day that I am in disbelief that anything could be as pretty as what I am seeing.

Pristine and holy Lac Saint Anne

Ahh, so fresh. I love it. Okay, good night!

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