Day 20 – Ride the Ridge

This morning, I had a 400m climb up to the Col du Bonhomme, and then a ridge walk over to the refuge of the same name.

Looking back from the col
Refuge Bonhomme

From the refuge, there was a superb crest line walk for a few kilometers. I stopped and made coffee on the ridge, and enjoyed it along with my last Payday bar. Sad day! Europe seriously needs to get in on the paydays and skittles! They’re missing out.

Coffee spot

The trail led down about 700m to a road with a couple refuges on it, and then led back up to another ridge with cool views of an artificial lake.

Riding the ridge

Then, a 700m climb up and over the Col de Presset. My hip joint kinda hurt a bit on this climb, probably because I jumped from a week in bed to doing 30km days. Oh well.

Headed up over that ridge, somehow
Look at that spire!

Cool rocks, a refuge on the left
A new valley to explore

I made it up and over the col, and follow a river down this next valley to the refuge Balme, where I made dinner and enjoyed the dusk views.

Dinner time

Finally, another 5km through the valley and across farmlands to a sweet campsite just above the treeline (actually probably a patch they logged) with great sunset views.

Camp views!

Good night!

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