Day 12 – As Good As It Gets

Words can’t express how awesome today was. I will let the photos and captions do most of the storytelling today.

I woke up at the Auberge Refuge at Col du Somport, had their breakfast, and hit the road. It looked like it was going to be another dreary foggy day. Bluh.

A map of the Pyrénées

Dreary again, bleh

Horses grazing by lac Estabes

First ice patch, ahh!
The sun begins to punch through..

Pic Midi d’Ossau begins to show its face

The valley below pic Midi

The fog clears as soon as I reach the sanctuary below the peak!

Lake Peyreget below pic Midi

Up this pass..
And on the other side, another beautiful lac!

Refuge Pombie
That color…

Down into the woods
Weird mountain flowers!

And then back up into the haze
But then I rise above it..
And find this view of pic Midi in a sea of myst!

Lac Arrious

This view just captivates my entire soul

I camped just 5m below this ridge here.

The pass I must climb over tomorrow, col du Palos

I met another HRP thru-hiker from Germany, named Sylvia! We camped right near each other at the Lac d’Arrious, in preparation to get up and over two high cols that may present some challenges with ice, snow, cliffs, and scree.

That means so far, I have met HRP hikers from: Holland, Scotland, New Zealand, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Spain, the Canary Islands, USA (just me unfortunately!)

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